Dance, Dance To This Beat

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Wrapping presents is like pulling teeth.. Or teeth coming in.

My wisdom teeth are coming in. Again.. It's weird. they come in in little spurts. Like for a while they stop. then start. then stop... and so on. Eh. Pain.
Ok so what is it with MTV reality shows? You're minding your own business and then the channel lands on it and BAM!!!!!! you're stuck.
And wrapping presents. I hate it. I'm terrible at it. Even though i tried miserably. I used Disney princess paper. yay!
Oh, and another yay is that Christmas is in 18 days!!! and another yay is that Folie A Deux will be out in 10 days!! yay again!!! My dad officially ordered my preorder. again, YAY!
I went Christmas shopping today though. It was good. I got most of the presents for my friends. I lack a few things for everyone. Otherwise, done. I spent every penny. No ...Live In Chicago CD by Panic for this one. Oh well, I'll get it after Christmas or something. :-/. Just steal Bailey and Caroline's to upload and watch until I get it. Grr.
Next week we get exam reviews *gags*.
Ok, gonna clean now. Go listen to some FOB or PATD or The Cab. It'll make you warm inside I promise. Good night.


Anonymous said...

WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HATE WRAPPING PRESENTS??!?!?! That's one of the best parts of Christmas!
