Dance, Dance To This Beat

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

School, people, lack of sleep- all play a role in my bad mood. Did I mention school? A rant by me!

Ok. A rant by ME. and at this point there is no telling how long this will take.
Not long hopefully b/c the bed that sits not far from my desk is screaming my name.

Things working my nerves:

  1. People imposing in on my territory. It's a long story I don't wish to share, but just know. Bad idea.
  2. AP US HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AP stands for "Advanced Placement". I tried to think of something clever to come up with instead of that but I can't think of anything. So tired. Brain fried from stress. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
  3. Lack of sleep: Enough said.
  4. Did I mention school? Yeah. Kills me.

Ugh. That's all I can think of that makes me thoroughly upset.

Things that give me hope and get me through the day:

  1. My friends: I would die, literally just shut down, without them.
  2. Music: My favorite bands (Panic At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, The Cab, and Gym Class Heroes) give me the music that makes my brain function fully. They stop the loudness that is quiet. B/c to me, quiet is loud. Deafening, actually.
  3. The hope of Saturday. *starts singing "Saturday" by Fall Out Boy*
  4. Sleep. When I get to it.
  5. The promise of a new FOB CD and new Panic song coming soon. Thank God for them, seriously.

Well, that is all. The other changes not put into action will hopefully put into play eventually. When I find time to sleep. Or breathe. Whichever comes first.

Actually, if I get to sleep at suitable hours I'm pretty much going to. So yeah. :] haha

Have a better day than I am, :)


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry AshLee :'(
I hope you have a better day today ^_^

