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Sunday, March 8, 2009

it's early and it's been a while.

Hey all. this blog could be long or short depending on how much longer my eyes can take staring at this screen. Some random updates since my January something-th update...

It was Caroline's birthday. :) She turned 17!! Check out her blog "~Carolina Rain~" :)

It was Valentine's day. I celebrated with friends and family. Who needs a guy, right?

Obama passed a massive stimulus bill. I didn't even know there was a number that big, but whatever. (I really do care more that this is a big deal and it's crazy, but I'm sleepy, ok?)

I've done just about every "Random Facts about me" note on facebook that's been circulating lately.

Fall Out Boy released a video game similar to Oregon trail. It's fun. It's Hard. You Can't get to the end. (That's what she said)

Holly's birthday was not too long ago! She is also 17 now! Congrats.

I've gone shopping, big news there... uh.... the school year is almost over and spring break is next week!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got The Little Mermaid on DVD!
The Little Mermaid DID NOT win best live musical soundtrack.
Pretty. Odd. DID NOT win a Grammy for best special edition box set. Oh whatever, PATD guys. You win an AshLee award for best special edition box set.
When doing a forward type note on facebook, I discovered if you type "AshLee needs" in everything that comes up is related to *drumroll* Ashlee Simpson. *gag*
There was a music video for "America's Suitehearts". AMERICAN IDOL HAS BEGUN!! ADAM LAMBERT FOR THE WIN!!!!!!

Oh, there are supposedly pictures of Mr. Lambert making out with a dude floatin around. he's emo. give him a break. Emo guys do that, it doesn't always mean they're gay. I don't know why they do that, but they do. (Not to be totally steriotypical or anything.) Geez people. So what if he LOVES Twilight and has perfect skin. HE'S NOT GAY!

Chris Brown beat up Rihanna. So many rumors surrounding that whole situation.
The Cab covered Rihanna. "Disturbia".
My favorite sunglasses broke AGAIN and something is wrong with my brand new remote for my speakers. Bleh.
Oh, and we got 7-12 inches of snow across the area. Crazy, right? Only in March here.

Ok. I can't take it anymore. I'm going to sleep. maybe I'll add more when I feel like I've got time.
Whatever that is..